Affiliate Marketing || Websites || Adsense || How to make money online

I will tell you how we can really make money per clicks real method real strategy real case study step by step guide let's start:

Affiliate Marketing || How to Earn $0.41 Per Click


What do we have today how to make money per clicks mainly we have three methods are

1. Websites:

First method that we don't want is websites like swag box and new box where you go and click on ads and make few cents per 8 hours or 10 hours i believe it's a waste of time we want to build a real business a stable online income stream so close these websites, 

2. Adsense:

The second method is simply monetizing your website with ads for example if you go to my website How to make money online you see i'm running ads so when people clicks or see these ads i make money this is a good strategy but also today you want something more professional we want something more stable we want something like this earnings 41 dollars per 100 clicks making a stable income like 1000 per month.

3. Affiliate Marketing:

So what is the third method simply we are talking about affiliate marketing it's simply about promoting a product any product it may be a physical product or digital products like services and software and then you will earn a commission when you promote this product i will share with you today the full journey from picking the product till promoting and getting your first income not only that in this blog you will get access to free services that you will never find anywhere else simply because i developed it for you so don't miss this opportunity to get my free services and to build your income stream online let's start pick the product for today i will pick a website called

A service for anyone who want to create something online why i pick this service simply because it's one of the best services to promote look at the traffic it's a trusted service if you go here scroll down click on the affiliate program you will see you can simply sign up spread this application and get paid if you go down here you will see we have 8 million users using the service so it's a trusted service and what's nice you can simply sign in for free and test it before you promote it so you can understand how it works you can build websites logos mockups videos everything ads it's a great service to promote and you will earn 20 up to 35 percent commissions per sales a great option to start with so let's start click on apply to start earning click on this button as i told you i will show you everything step by step so if you are a beginner you can follow up

exactly the same way and do exactly what

i'm doing and clone my strategies i will show you how to promote this different options free methods everything in these few next minutes so

Here you have this form earn money with render forest you just need to enter your name the second field is the email and you can see here it's better to use your domain email a professional email i showed you how to create a professional email for free here on my channel i'll keep the link in the description below if you want to check so i will enter my domain name like this one then the second email enter a username a password and then we have the company information of course you don't need to have a company it's about your online presence your website your social media presence and so on so in my case i will say my website name enter the company website make sure to use a website with your own custom domain and not a website on blogger like or something else you need a custom domain you can use a blogger or wordpress anything but you need a custom domain select your country and your address fill this form your city phone number and so on it's simple and then go down here to promotional information this is very important please focus very well select type if you have a website for example in my case i will select content a content website add a website and then paste your domain name again the website you are going to use to promote the

service you can select social networks.

4. Social Media:

If you have facebook twitter anything whatever you have add them here you will increase a chance to get faster approval then simply go down these are the terms click on sign up that's it when you sign up and you have an account simply now you can go to this website impact or app dot slash log in so you can log into your account in my case i already have one because i tried to make some money with this strategy before i shared with you you know here on my channel i always share with you real case studies real examples so about one month ago i started testing this strategy and you'll see now what i did exactly so i will log into my account sign in okay so this is the main dashboard and you can see the main metrics like available balance upcoming balance and you can track your clicks actions payouts and this chart create a link with one click just pick the affiliate program you want you can see i'm promoting more than 20 programs and this render first here you can simply click on create link and you have the affiliate link now what you have to know here what's important here in this menu we have a settings section open it and anytime here you can edit your media properties your websites your social channels and so on you can add them edit them and so on and you can set your payment method in the finance section to receive your earnings anyway here you have also the content section the assets like email swipes and banner ads let's go back here to brands and to my brand's section to follow up and continue our work and by the way i will leave a link in the description a blog from render forest if you want to learn more about the program how to join the policies everything you can read this and learn more anyway it's a three minute blog post go and read it it's better to understand the programs before you go to be a professional affiliate marketer so here in my account in my impact account you can see i have a lot of programs i am promoting and this render forest here if i click on this program you see its details 20 to 35 commission and you can see deep linking is enabled deep linking is very important.

I'll talk about it a little bit please stay focused because this option can allow you to promote the service in different more methods and help you get more commissions and earn more money so simply click on create a link render forest create okay i will copy the link i will open notepad paste and here we are we have now the link we can start promoting and making some money online but before please focus very well i have some tricks and tips that will help you manage and promote this product more and more and make more commissions so please focus it's a couple of minutes and we are done and you can start working by yourself and don't forget if you have any questions i'll be waiting for you in the commentssection below so i have the link now the first step you are going to do is to shorten this sling under a branded domain have to do this for free simply

5. If you have website:

if you have a wordpress website like in my case if you are following my free online business series to make two thousand dollars per month here on youtube you must have a website so if you have a wordpress website you can simply use the pretty links plugin inside wordpress which you can use for free you can simply add a new link here and paste the target url add a link here for example render forest like this and save the link then if you go to pretty link section here your links table you will see and track all your links for example render first here i got 300 clicks and other affiliate links you can see i'm promoting around 80 programs i think so we got the link we shortened it and if in case you don't have a

wordpress website and you want a free short link service i have a gift for you today simply go to link dot me a free service if you go here to pricing section you will see you can stop 100 free unlimited urls unlimited clicks and a branded domain so you have everything to start for free it's a gift from me to you go and check it join and start shrinking and tracking your links now we have our shortened link render forest.

I will copy it now instead of this weird link we have a simple clean branded link this is very important if you want to share this on social media and other places it's very important to be a branded link the second reason why we shorten or track this link or add a shortening service is in case the service changed the affiliate link and you have promoted in 100 places you need only to change once you change from your table here and all the links will be changed all over the internet this is very important please focus on this point it's very important to use a branded shortened link when you promote your affiliate links to track to manage and to change whenever you want now what we want to start promoting we want to make some money what to do now how to promote it let's see what i did let's now start with the first strategy if you go here to my hdk website again my front end what i did is simply i created three posts if you go to blog section you will see i created three articles the first one is how to start freelancing with render forest the second one is render forest versus in video and the third one is how to create video ads with render forest let's look at these titles how to start freelancing how to create video ads and a versus video three types of articles i believe it's the best to promote an affiliate product so number one is:

6. how to start freelancing 

So int his article i am sharing with people how they can freelance online how they can make money online using a service called render forest so when someone wants to follow and start working they will join using my links and you can see render forest render forest all these green links are affiliate links so this

is the first type of articles you can write about if you want to promote such products or similar products the second one is a tutorial inside this service you see this service is about creating logos videos and so on so i created this article how to create video ads with render forest a full tutorial if someone also wants to follow up with me they will join render forest.

The third one is a comparison keyword render forest versus nvidia the competitor so in this

way if someone's wants to choose between in video and render forest they will open read this article and they will choose one of them and whatever they choose i will make a commission because both are affiliate links so the first method is to create articles and blog posts in this way take these ideas mix them in your head and do something similar in your own website your own blog now what if you don't have a blog you don't want to write articles or post what to do how to promote let's start

with strategy number two in promoting this awesome service the second strategy is to use a website called quora where you can answer questions related to your service what's nice you can use jasper ai to answer questions to help you answer questions if you're going to templates and you go and search for quora answers you can see here click on code answers now we can enter a question and enter maybe something to include the answer and quora will automatically or jasper sorry will automatically answer the question you can use it tweak it a little bit add your own style and post on quora answer more questions and then promote the product the third strategy is using the deep links with paid ads if you remember in a little bit i told you the service has a deep link option enabled so what's nice about deep

linking it allows you to create your own custom link and use with paid ads.

7. how to make money from YouTube 

How to make money from youtube without creating videos it's using paid ads go and check it right now and see the power of deep linking to promote affiliate products strategy number four is using a free service i created for you go to website called web boost dot m e it's

totally free go and sign up i will log into my account to show you this what we can do with this website is simply creating campaigns and pop-ups on different websites that you can access for example if you go to my tools website seo analyzer dot m e you will see here i have this website i have some traffic here and you can see web boost will show this pop up here to promote anything you want so you can use web boost to promote anything you want any link you want with pop-ups that will catch attention it's a totally free service go and use it it's from me to you totally for free web strategy.



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